zonke iindidi

Ukutyumza Series

Ikhaya >  iimveliso >  Ukutyumza Series

I-CPS Model ye-squirrel cage uhlobo lomatshini wokutyumza

I-CPS Model ye-squirrel cage uhlobo lomatshini wokutyumza

  • isishwankathelo
  • ye parameter
  • uphando
  • Iimveliso enxulumene

The machihayi enterinto hopper kwaye kudlule tngaphaya tigumbi lokuhlala for crushing.Under the fa Ctikwi of Centrestrifugalforce, the materials ngeke rotate with the scrnyanir on tyena rotorThe materialhrecruthe during the intamorse. After certaingrakholarity is achieved.

I-CPS Model ye-squirrel yekheji uhlobo lokutyumza umatshini wokwenziwa

I-CPS Model ye-squirrel yekheji yohlobo lokutyumza umzi-mveliso womatshini

I-CPS Model ye-squirrel yekheji uhlobo lokutyumza umatshini wokwenziwa

I-CPS Model ye-squirrel yekheji uhlobo lokutyumza iinkcukacha zomatshini

amandla yemveliso Amandla ahambelanayoUbungakanani bomda
CPS-223950 x 660 x 1635
CPS-555.51200 x 740 x 1920
CPS-1010111300 x 830 x 2070
CPS-2020221800 x 980 x 2320


Idilesi yemeyile *
Inombolo yomnxeba*
Igama leKhampani*
umyalezo *
Nceda Ushiye Umyalezo Kuthi